Join Jim and Jo as they take you on a tour of the forest where we celebrate nature in a very different way.
Halloween is the perfect time of year for scary stories and some of the trees are the centre of intriguingly sinister tales. Have you ever wondered why a certain Oak is called Rotten Roger and why some visitors have heard faint screams coming from inside its mighty trunk? This walk is the perfect opportunity to find out!
The spectacular shapes that the ancient oaks make take on a very different dynamic at night and you will have the opportunity to see them in a different light. The twisted boughs, gnarled trunks and snaking branches are the perfect backdrop for a night of spooky stories themed on nature.
This walk will take you on a night time journey through the forest, hearing the sinister tales behind the nature. The walk will last approximately 90 minutes, please bring suitable clothing and you may want to bring a torch.
Sorry, no dogs on this walk.