‘Living Landscape’ – an artist’s trail of the farm that will unite art and nature. The HopBarn’s wildlife rich land is inspiring some of the area’s most interesting contemporary makers and artists to create an outdoor arts trail that presents a fascinating cohesion of art and nature. Visitors will be able to walk our farmland where pointers along the trail tell the stories of trees, plants and birds, of growing and preparing food and foraging. Each artwork will help visitors to discover meanings and memories and uncover their relationship with land in surprising ways.
Artist Geoff Molyneux displaces stone from various locations around the world part of a personal creative practice he terms ‘Moving Mountains’. By collecting these stones and relating each one to a moment in time, it becomes a meaningful and memorable reminder or token.
We encourage visitors to bring their stone to exchange with various stones dotted on various platforms throughout the entire trail. Take this stone for walk along the trail and by doing so, memories and experience of each artwork are embedded in the stone. At the end of the visit, leave the stone for another visitor or take the stone with you and display it either on a shelf or window sill.
Begin on your adventure with ‘Living Landscape’ which has been conceived by curators Angie Atmadjaja and Rebecca Blackwood who are presenting artists whose work is inspired by the land using materials from the land.