If you’ve never tried Nordic walking before, where better to start than in Sherwood Forest?
Every Tuesday during Nottinghamshire school term times, Tracy Hall of Sherwood Nordic Walking will lead a class combining wellness and technique with a gentle, sociable walk through the forest.
Nordic walking is a fantastic full body workout, but it can be as gentle as you like. When used properly, Nordic walking poles give you the posture and stability to help you walk faster, taller and for longer.
The benefits of Nordic walking include:
You don’t need any previous experience, but if you would like further information about technique and training sessions, visit www.sherwoodnordicwalking.co.uk
Walking poles can be borrowed and technique tuition will be provided.
Each session costs £8 although monthly rates are available. Pre-booking is essential you can reserve your place by visiting www.sherwoodnordicwalking.co.uk.
Please note that this activity is for adults only and no dogs are permitted. A health questionnaire will need to be completed before your first session.