After the Night of Broken Glass in November 1938, nearly 10,000 unaccompanied children were bravely send to the UK to escape Nazi persecution. December 2023 marks the 85th anniversary of the Kindertansport. The museum will be offering curator led talk which will guide you through survivor experiences of the Kindertransport, precious objects that the survivors brought with them to the UK and the British rescuers, including Nicholas Winton, who helped them to safety.
Talks at 11am and 2pm and will last one hour.
“The whole family came to see me off at the station in Konigsberg and my father travelled with me to Berlin to join the Kindertransport train. I remember one of his cousins racing down the platform as the train was starting, just to say goodbye to me. It was a bit tearful, but I didn’t take it that seriously. I thought I would see them all again,” – Ellen Rawson, Holocaust survivor.
Booking is advised.